In 1994, the joint development concept was formalised by the creation of a 50/50 Joint Venture between GIAT and Royal Ordnance called Cased Telescoped Ammunition International or CTAI for short. I still remember the Pancor Jackhammer which debut about the same time. infantry platoon&sa=X&rlz=1C1KYPA_enGB634GB634&espv=2&biw=751&bih=367&tbm=isch& And of course the question on if the soldiers are trained as mechanized infantry or armoured infantry. That guy’s name happen to be Stallone, Schwarzenegger or Willis? It still introduced the Puma with fewer dismounts as a trade-off between bare bones A400M deployability, basic protection, firepower and seats. Even 20 mm HE is quite impressive out to 2 km against infantry, light barriers etc. Besides, KETF is basically just a modified version of the naval AHEAD round and using the same smart fuse , so you also have all the 35 millenium CIWS installed , to help bring down the cost. A quick visit to a teamspeak server would suffice, for example. I started to wonder what does not make sense in the above; had I perhaps written platoon in place of squad, or…? When I wrote “Brigades and battalion battlegroups …” I meant NATO formations. a RWS with 50cal or 20mm to deal with soft targets plus Javelin or even APKWS / CRV7-PG / LMM hanging off the sides to deal with buildings / hard targets. that doubled as a monitor, sailing up and down their river-line defences in the North of the country. Eurosatory 2014 CTA International 40 Cased Telescoped Armament There was a marked difference , with the larger KETF round being something like 2,5 times as lethal/effective as the 30mm version. A lighter 4×4 VBMR variant is also planned for delivery after 2021, replacing the PVP and VBL vehicles. This can lead to target overload. Any news on MIV? There are no belts or links to jam and break and the system is easily accessible from inside the turret – we expect vehicles equipped with the cannon to be more reliable on the battlefield and allow the soldier to spend more time achieving mission objectives. Warrior has a tiny turret, CV90 has a massive turret. Effective range is claimed to be 4,000m and up to 6 vehicles can be integrated with a single control module for wide area coverage, including fire control for Starstreak/HVM missiles. This could have been an older model because there was talk of an upgrade but this was years ago so its a bit of a blur. Furthermore, I don’t think you get to choose what constitutes a “True IFV”, especially when said example directly confirms the point that you are arguing against. This may actually work decently on open Eastern European areas if blue air forces have air supremacy, but it’s no recipe for use even only close to settlements with a depth of 7 or more buildings or woodland. You could fire multiple 30mm airburst projectiles to equal one 40mm, but a single 40mm would cost less and take up less space. The AFV v APC argument is a non event, I can think of few occasions where an APC would be more useful then an IFV. > Effectiveness: > Against armoured vehicles (with armour piercing fin stabilized ammunition), > Against infantry or facilities (with general purpose explosive ammunition). I suppose the trolling would just shift to a theory that I’m an East German in Russian service or something, though. As can be seen from the above, the original MTIP and later BAE MTIP-2 turrets are clearly different. Warrior in the form it was purchased was a severe error: no stabilised main gun and no Chobham, Rarden itself was perfectly capable of killing all Soviet AFV’s aside from MBTs and associated specialty platforms. An autocannon using HE can cause “mouseholes” in structures that infantry can use to infiltrate and exploit, something desired in a support gun. The number of dismounts and the the weapons system flavours that MIV comes with will tell us a lot about what the current generals think on the subject. I suppose Hohum is working for the Martians then.. Great article, I knew it had a long development period but 20+ years and still no weapon in service is slightly depressing. All rights reserved. the feed system took up most of the turret. The question the UK faces is whether to double down, or carry on with the CTAS in service on just two vehicle types. That is different to saying vehicles can’t carry a full section, which they demonstrably can. Telescoped ammunition is an ammunition design in which the projectile is partially or completely enveloped by the propellant. The evidence is right in front of those who chose to look at it. So the concept is out there. The 40mm Cased Telescoped Armament System (40 CTAS) provides a step change in capability, allowing the armed forces to respond to a changing environment with ongoing and emerging threats. Glad that these big projects of yours will get a more front and centre place on the site. A recoilless on a jeep in the hands of someone skilled is a joy to behold, especially when they wield it with a smoothness that can allow them to take on tanks. Eurosatory 2014 CTA International 40 Cased Telescoped Armament System (40 CTAS) Thanks for the link to the German 30mm recoiless JJ . It does not matter who said it, but I tend to agree. If we are going to have a cannon this experience alone should show us sometimes a big one is better. Contains threads on British Army equipment of the past, present and future. While its not a large turret by any means, its not cramped either ….even “massive vikings ” will fit just fine without having to squeeze in or rub against the cannon. Most rounds don’t home in on target and you are working on an estimate of where the person will be in the minute it takes for the round to travel to your location. infantry platoon, a section has come into being. There is a reduced carry capacity when someone slaps an autocannon onto an APC, the turret basket cuts into the seating space and the ammo storage increases as well. You can put a 7th with the vehicle crew, but he would have to climb out through the top hatch. Sounds ridiculous? Helicopters don’t tolerate 20 mm visits well either. I never considered the impact of recoil reduction on accuracy as a significant benifit when linked to modern electronic targeting systems. … emphasis on internal volume. Also does anybody know why VBCI didn’t adopt either this or a 30mm/35mm weapon? Chris. When money is no object, looks like the categories (in the US Army) still come out with roughly similar numbers. The unmanned turret also had all the ammunition within the turret and a simpler feed mechanism, carrying capacity was 68 rounds, compared to 42 for the manned turret. The MoD issued a contract amendment to CTAI for further qualification of the Target Practice Reduced Range round. And while the CT40 carries a bigger payload than the smaller calibers , a future programmable 50x330mm SuperShot will match or excede the CT40 in this respect and without taking up more space. Procurement of Cased Telescoped Cannons (CTC) Ammunition. Some 35mm systems come close but their size and weight is greater than the CTS as is their ammo. Drat! Or the old Gyrojet weapons of Buck Rogers fame. The trouble with a nice, “uncomplicated” pure APC’s is that they require a major escorting effort, something that may be effectively impossible in urban areas or close country. This reduced section thing keeps making an appearance in this thread yet nobody has presented any evidence for it yet. The Strike Brigades are to get MIV; as a Mechanised Infantry Vehicle, you would presume it to be lighter than the Armoured Infantry Vehicle that is Warrior. This demonstrator had some input from the ARES 45mm weapon that had been in development in the USA. Given I am part of a small minority that actually posts anything of factual accuracy on this site I certainly won’t be keeping my comments to myself. I certainly know what I am talking about, you however have just revealed (once again) that you don’t. The age of the all-metal-cased small arms cartridge is coming to a close. I’m cheerfully on mr.fred’s wavelength here. This has been the case for 2 practical examples I have seen and the literature for other vehicles also supports this. In late March 2010, the MoD Investment Approvals Board recommended a year-long delay to WCSP. Whether the size of an infantry section changes at the same time remains to be seen! Knew the British were fielding a 40mm CTA gun on their Warrior armored vehicle. APCs with big turrets on top are not a good idea. I can see a role for medium-weight IFVs in the current western style, but more as light cavalry, or dragoons, to take terms from the musket-era nomenclature. …and is the “commander” in the normal FV510 the 8th man of the section? You could buy the whole fleet again ! Just asking. @mr Fred As it takes 4 (!) The adoption of the full system is part of the reason that Nexter has had success with Jaguar, while the UK … On the Russia issue its far more likely our leader of the opposition and his shadow cabinet is on the Russian payroll than you. Nobody expects a heavy manoeuvre formation to go storming a major town so its not even an issue, thats why Army’s have multiple formation types. The 40 CTAS 40 MM CASED TELESCOPED ARMAMENT SYSTEM The 40 CTAS is primarily aimed to equip armoured and reconnaissance vehicles in order to provide them with fire power superior over any other Medium-Calibre system. One of the scenarios demonstrated a typical wall breaching operation, two rounds of point detonating to create a hole that was followed by an air bursting type fire through the hole. The image below shows a fragmentation comparison between a 30mm airburst round (left) and the 40mm GPR-AB. Watchkeeper and other UAVs seem to operate at an altitude the exceeds the maximum range this article indicates for the gun of 4,000 meters. Symetrical rounds are space efficient., and the breach design of CTA40 is space efficient. The new gun dubbed ‘RAPIDFire’ is developed by Thales, Nexter and the Anglo-French joint venture company CTA, providing the 40mm cannon and its unique cased telescoped ammunition. Two years later, in 1999, further interest from the USA resulted in a representative turret containing the 40mm CTAS integrated onto a US Army Bradley infantry fighting vehicle. =6. The RAPIDFire vehicle can be integrated with a number of air defence systems and uses the specialised air defence ammunition that contained 200 tungsten pellets. Modern vehicles need modern electronics, and contrary to popular belief, modern electronics, at least in combat vehicles, are not getting any smaller. Not all have these have yet been qualified but work continues to build on the initial qualification of the find and practice rounds. At the June Eurosatory show, BAE showed their largely self-funded MTIP-2 turret on a Warrior chassis. Secondly, OTO are offering the Draco, an automatic 76mm air defence system fitted to an 8×8 vehicle (see towards the end of this page: ). What mr.fred didn’t point out was that with exception of the LAV (which is wheeled and IMO not a practical true IFV platform) those squad numbers are the result not of design limitations but of specific doctrinal choices that came from in-depth studies, the Marder (a figure carried over into Puma) being particularly controversial in some quarters. However, the selection of the unfielded new design for major programmes has been controversial. @ArmChairCivvy It also includes a highly effective airburst round. I won’t mind a ratio of 1 light tank: 2-3 APC though I won’t be expecting the APC to be in the same firing line with the MBTs :) Just have to adjust tactics. Cases telescoped ammunition was conceived by the USAF in the mid-fifties for use as an aircraft weapon; Despite US research activity, it would be the UK and France that would go on to bring into service a cased telescoped automatic cannon. In 1997 the decision was made to move the calibre to 40mm and rename it the CT2000 (rather optimistically, as it would turn out to be). Warrior SOP was to debuss at more like 100m or closer, relying on increased armour and firepower to get the infantry onto the position. Approx. It’s always good to work on a capacity of a section+ instead of strictly just 7 men. That’s little more than bivouac close security at night! Without a breakthrough, I do not think that can be done, as the politicians have been scarred by the snatch Land Rover debacle. First, a manually-loaded gun firing basically the same ammo has long been in service in the South African Rooikat armoured car. 40 MM CASED TELESCOPED ARMAMENT SYSTEM. You can download this article as a PDF for a couple of quid, click the button…. All, you may have noticed a bit of comment culling and editing, in the all new TD, will have a lower tolerance of bad manners! (Thank you BAe!). without seeing the detail like the area swept by the gun inside the turret and where the feed is coming from. It also reported problems with weight growth and a delayed ISD. So cost and other properties probably would take precedence in the choice. The RN 30mm capability is mainly against surface craft? Our CT weapons and ammunition systems are offered in a 5.56 mm CT light machine gun (LMG), a 7.62 mm CT medium machine gun (MMG) and a 6.5 mm CT carbine. The first video did not work for me (“unavailable”) Still have not seen anything that confirms that the Leonardo Marlin mount used the 40mm CTA system? I’ve often wondered whether it would have been better to take the advantage of the compactness of the rounds and go for a 50mm solution offering overmatch of potential threats for a lot longer. Many armies are, just that the rebalancing of the types of formations available has set the focus on the wheeled ones, the blast protected focus now swinging to a better balance with ballistic protection again. Observer, The CTAS40 Case Telescoped Armament System (CTAS) cannon is designed to fire 40mm telescoped ammunition. If you need an autocannon or rapid fire gun in the weapons mix, why not use a dedicated vehicle with the protection of a MBT on basis of a MBT hull? When I saw the fully sectioned CTA rounds up close the first thing I took in was the lack of propellant forward of the plastic ring – that’s basically solid for the front fifth to a quarter of the round. I think you are barking up the wrong tree trying to put the gun on a gunship. All of this is very important when you look at what the UK is going to use many of its CTA equipped platforms for, namely being a light tank and providing direct fire support. A skilled commander will get the job done even with average equipment by adjusting his tactics while a clown with top of the line equipment will still find some way to screw up. Exactly, as in the above, it is all about what is around the gun. The CT40 40mm cannon has been mandated for the UK Future Rapid Effect System (FRES) SV and Warrior Capability Sustainment Programme (WCSP) programmes. The APC is clearly different from the IFV (and can deliver a whole squad in one go). But that is not the point (who is not doing everything electrically these days? They are also BMP3 users so I’d be interested to find any sources in english stating is this effected there reasoning. All this places a premium on internal turret volume, so anything that reduces the volume of one of the main turret components simply means more room for ammunition, electronics and ergonomics i.e., a good thing. 3. My focus is on the use of 40mm CTA for use on the AAV upgrade/ACV. Saying “lets get a 40mm CTA ” is easy …making it a reality is something else entirely. A Royal Ordnance and GIAT 45mm Cased Telescoped Weapon System (CTWS) demonstrator was completed in 1991 with the prototype the following year. The round is inserted into the breech block through the trunion and the rotating breech block then aligns it with the barrel, thus eliminating the need for flexible feed guides. Dubbed the '40mm Cased Telescoped Cannon', it is … telescoped munitions are one of those tempting concepts that keep being revisited, similar to maglev trains, flying cars, VTOL aviation, soft recoil, laser guns, cannon-launched ATGMs or HVM missiles., Well I suppose someone should mention the attempts to use caseless ammo in rifles & SMGs. If we had the funds then I am sure we would go for the fleet of MBT sized AFV/Tank/SP howitzer on the same chassis but hey, Starbuks aint paying taxes. This format provides significant ergonomic benefits within vehicles in the space envelope required for the gun and the ammunition storage. Either way, it’s the 2pdr again. The Swedish 40mm is not much better, the feed system is on par with RARDEN (slight exaggeration) manually loading individual rounds from a tray under the gun into a bit I couldn’t see because I was upside down and to be honest slightly hung over. Commenting on the test, Senior Requirements manager for the AJAX Program, Lt. Col. David Cathro said; Testing and qualification continued and in June 2016, the MoD issued a £12.9 million contract extension to CTAI for additional qualification. IFVs let them “hang together” with MBTs instead of hanging separately after the main advance gets overrun. Commander’s vehicle and the Pl. In fact it is the medium calibre weapon that enables that. as a MBT. Outwardly there was little to distinguish the two, both used already in service infantry fighting vehicles of nineties origin as the base platform and both were equipped with the mandated 40mm CTA cannon, a range of C4ISTAR, protection and various automotive and protection upgrades. On a lightweight, cheap troop carrier the addition of cannon armament makes it neither. -ok, they are mainly looking for a recce wagon In 2013, Aviation Week reported interest in an aircraft version; With Airbus recently reported to be interested in developing ISTAR/combat payload enhancements for the A400M and the recent success of the C-295 Gunship conversions for Jordan, this may be one to watch. The problems with the G11 were related to the fact that it used caseless amunition, wich the CTAS does not. Much as it may pain me to admit it, S O does have a point. What mr.fred didn’t point out was that with exception of the LAV (which is wheeled and IMO not a practical true IFV platform) those squad numbers are the result not of design limitations but of specific doctrinal choices that came from in-depth studies. JH – ref small & light – I know I said something like that; I thought RT said he wanted a bicycle. Only Bradley splits squads between vehicles and for the nth time thats because they changed squad size after the design freeze. In April 2001, a statement to the House of Parliament revealed that the future of the US FSCS was in doubt, describing how the new Future Combat System (FCS) vision as envisioned by General Shinseki in 1999 would need funding and some programmes would be cut to make room for it, one of these was the follow-on engineering development phase of FSCS/TRACER. IFVs developed from a rather simple vehicle with a simple manually operated 20 mm gun (HS30) to something with as sophisticated electronics (even CITV!) The small footprint … In early April 2016, AJAX completed it’s first instrumented static live firing at Radnor Ranges in Powys, Wales. Perhaps we need 2 vehicles based on a common hull. Looking back, from the present, what has the CT40 gained us versus what it has cost us? Ginge Bagnall and mobile defence lives on. Fire team sizes debated range from 3-5, but for squads the debate is about 8-13. I have seen many very persuasive arguments on this basis, the number of bayonets per Company. A troop carrier with a remote MG/AGL , with a decent set of dismounts (12?) OK 93t was an exaggeration, but I’ve never yet seen a vehicle get lighter between design study and reality. At this point, Lockheed Martin were still insisting an upgraded Warrior turret would be used for the WCSP vehicles. I am aware that it is significantly bigger but it has the volcano round and would surely be more lethal whilst adding commonality to our forces. I would like to ask what I assume is a ridiculous question, but given the ongoing discussion about light frigates, why do these vehicles not adopt the 76mm gun used on many frigates. CTA International has developed a revolutionary 40 mm Cased Telescoped Armament System (40 CTAS) providing a paradigm shift in terms of use, logistics and ease of integration into armoured vehicles for either new build or systems upgrades. infantry platoon&sa=X&rlz=1C1KYPA_enGB634GB634&espv=2&biw=751&bih=367&tbm=isch& It did not and it still doesnt ! Some would have tank guns, some with an autocannon. I won’t call it a missile defence gun. – they have advanced electro-optical sights, and are well networked (with other types of comms, so any visual observations and angle of approach can be passed on and will help to prepare the fire unit, or many of them). I would probably put money on the German gun being the most widespread in the end. A certain poster here posts, without exception, views that support Russian ambitions (his blog does the same).His claimed national identity is neither here nor there. In the Falklands War, Argentine 35mm short range air defence systems shot down two Harriers, one Skyhawk, and one Mirage. I assume weight constraints or not being service ready but 25mm without DU rounds is looking dated vs BMP3. A fire control system designed and manufactured by Ultra is the final component of the system. In some ways, the German Panzer grenadiers are quite a sensible approach to the limiting factors of IFVs but you will note that they are not the entirety of the mechanised infantry strength. The US Department of Defense Inspector General released a technical evaluation in 1996 on cased telescoped ammunition, it was less than fulsome in its praise. In any case the story is that MIV will be wheeled and few commenters here have thought a big turret atop a wheeled APC a smart move. 300 infantrymen in entire brigades aren’t enough. CTAI have also proposed a number of naval applications for the CTAS but the most recent development is the Thales RAPIDFire system, designed to destroy helicopters, unmanned vehicles and combat aircraft. Its actually pretty small on the inside, thats why the 35mm Bushy looks so massive, because it takes up almost a third of the turret space. These are generally soft targets. This also expanded the scope of the project to include other calibers. But people are in denial about what it means, as tactics will be affected by A. smaller squads, or B. squads split across vehicles 21 posts • Page 1 of 1. VAT rate (%) 20. That adding a turret adds mass and cost to a vehicle? In order to maximise commonality, realise economies of scale and provide confidence and impetus to an export campaign. All absolutely fine if you have the wherewithal to field 60t+ MBT scale IFVs. I reiterate I am in favour of dedicated vehicles and a reconn mount needs a little f**k o** potential to enemy skirmishers be they air,foot,track or wheeled. FYI, hundreds of unmanned platforms with shape-charged warheads- we already have those- brimstone and various sensor-fused sub-munitions. The autocannons are for *IFV*s, not MBTs. The tests are expected to take a turret through a 20-year lifespan in 12-18 months. The original intent was that the 40mm CTAS would be central to the Warrior Fightability and Lethality Improvement Programme (WFLIP) but in 2005, the MoD announced a competition, despite the significant investment in the CTAS since the early nineties. BV Buster, No, actually they weren’t. The only way they can get away with deploying any kind of vehicle-mounted heavy weapons? Lots of occasions where you’ll actually end up with “attached personnel”. And another thing , what did that chicken do to that solider to deserve a boot up the Parsons nose :-). My point was generally several nations seem to have accepted limitations to get a system into service now as opposed to some time in the next decade (ie 40mm Bofors on CV90 or 25mm on VBCI). – have you seen the cost figures? So instead of each section having organic long-range precision firepower capable of dealing with pretty much all armour except MBTs and providing significant counter defilade-capability, a capability that is entirely achievable as it has already been done, the proposal here is to remove that and instead leave the section dependent on light-arms whilst it waits for the battalions fire-support vehicle to arrive? The TRACER and FSCS programmes were subsequently harmonised and a joint project created. I think we’ll just have to agree to disagree on the APC/IFV question. 5.1 APC Further, the cased telescoped ammunition cartridge is formed into a … The whole, broader comment is absolutely right, but events may force you to dismount and the “luxury” described in the quote isn’t feasible. One advantage it has is the increased payload for specialised rounds over similar sized 30mm weapon systems. Even if you pack that on a OPV its not a leap forward. UK practices in the days of the FV432 reflect our using the GPMG as its weapon. The new cannon fires 40mm Cased Telescoped Ammunition – the first of its kind in the world – offering a number of benefits to users: The new cannon delivers up to four times the power of the 30mm round it replaces. A power that forces us into war (as opposed to us going into a stupid unnecessary war of choice) would field a mechanised force, and could easily release swarms of hundreds of killer drones with shaped charge warheads from lorries. They are to harass, to scout and generally operate on the fringes of the formations, denying the enemy freedom of manoeuvre and intelligence. I worked with the Danish CV90 35 in Afghan. The Armchair Soldier Site Admin Posts: 1639 Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 7:31 am Location: CT40 Case Telescoped Weapon System. I can see it going both ways. @stephen duckworth This is usually for “advance to objective” where the vehicles are on overwatch while the dismounted element moves into a village/fortified area etc. “Out of interest, who is still buying APCs?”. Talking about “calling artillery” is easy to say but practically, there can be problems like “danger, close”, time of flight and ranging shots. !…it takes up almost excactly the middle 1/3 of the turret. – with the IFVs there are more and more autocannons (and in the right place, deployed well forward) Regarding the “full section vs fire team” debate, the days of FV432’s debussing a platoon at 300m from the position followed by fire and manoeuvre to the enemy position are gone. I think with any review of the Cased Telescoped technology one should also read this: Sensor Fused/ programmable multi-purpose ammunition is hardly something unique to the CT40 , nor is it among the first to offer such ammo natures. If it is good enough for them why are lighter weapons mounted on a RWS not good enough. Does anyone think that will change much in ten year’s time? That, other things being equal, you can fit more dismounts in an APC than a turreted IFV? The concept works, which is why IFVs have been successfully developed, deployed and used operationally. I know some like mr fred would prefer more men over an autocannon, and yes, in the large scale of things the small difference becomes significant, it is just that the doctrine that I’m used to focuses more on mobility and aggressiveness, so my heavier focus on a more mobile battle and the advantages the IFV brings to that. These trade studies prompted GIAT and Royal Ordnance to explore options for a collaborative development programme. And yet they have only managed to fit 42 rounds to the manned turret(warrior? Seeing the firings today gives us confidence that the Army will receive this battle-winning and transformational capability on time and to budget. Lets face it, the biggest obstacle to this happy marriage is the “tankies vs grunts” issue. The weapon system is composed of the cannon and thermal sleeve, gun mount, ammunition handling system, CTAS controller and the gun … Why would the CV90 need to carry 8 (although the manufacturer says 7) when smaller numbers are appropriate? Various testing activities continued; icing, resistance to impact and fire, aircraft carriage and compound angle firing, for example. – TD indicated all the nice new goodies will cost one dismount= 6

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