Amen 281. google_ad_width = 728; 3:21 Unto him 846 [be] glory 1391 in 1722 the church 1577 by 1722 Christ 5547 Jesus 2424 throughout 1519 all 3956 ages 1074, world 165 without end 165. 3:14 For this 5127 cause 5484 I bow 2578 5719 my 3450 knees 1119 unto 4314 the Father 3962 of our 2257 Lord 2962 Jesus 2424 Christ 5547, (2-13 is a parenthetical statement interrupting his thought in verse one which he goes on in 4In reading this, then, you will be able to understand my insight into the mystery of Christ, , 3:5 Which 3739 in 1722 other 2087 ages 1074 was 1107 0 not 3756 made known 1107 5681 unto the sons 5207 of men 444, as 5613 it is 601 0 now 3568 revealed 601 5681 unto his 846 holy 40 apostles 652 and 2532 prophets 4396 by 1722 the Spirit 4151; 3:7 Whereof 3739 I was made 1096 5633 a minister 1249, according 2596 to the gift 1431 of the grace 5485 of God 2316 given 1325 5685 unto me 3427 by 2596 the effectual working 1753 of his 846 power 1411. 3:20 Now 1161 unto him that is able 1410 5740 to do 4160 5658 exceeding 5228 abundantly 1537 4053 above 5228 all 3956 that 3739 we ask 154 5731 or 2228 think 3539 5719, according to 2596 the power 1411 that worketh 1754 5734 in 1722 us 2254, Ephesians 1:13 And because the height of this mystery cannot be easily attained unto, Ephesians 1:16 he prays that they may come to the full knowledge and possession thereof in Christ. google_ad_client = "pub-1116476291714909"; 13So I ask you not to be discouraged because of my sufferings for you, which are your glory. preordained, being chosen, life and godliness, ministering to unsaved, self doubt, being a blessing, being a blessing to others, counting your blessings, god the father, jabez, metaphysics, predestined, spiritual breakthrough, trust god. google_ad_client = "pub-1116476291714909"; GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - KJV INDEX & SEARCH /* 728x90, created 11/5/11 */ GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - KJV INDEX & SEARCH //-->, 3:16 That 2443 he would grant 1325 5632 5630 you 5213, according to 2596 the riches 4149 of his 846 glory 1391, to be strengthened 2901 5683 with might 1411 by 1223 his 846 Spirit 4151 in 1519 the inner 2080 man 444; 3:13 Wherefore 1352 I desire 154 5731 that ye faint 1573 5721 not 3361 at 1722 my 3450 tribulations 2347 for 5228 you 5216, which 3748 is 2076 5748 your 5216 glory 1391. google_ad_client = "pub-1116476291714909"; google_ad_client = "pub-1116476291714909"; Ephesians 3:14-21 King James Version (KJV) 14 For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, 15 Of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named, 16 That he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man; 3:18 May be able 1840 5661 to comprehend 2638 5641 with 4862 all 3956 saints 40 what 5101 [is] the breadth 4114, and 2532 length 3372, and 2532 depth 899, and 2532 height 5311; 3:19 And 5037 to know 1097 5629 the love 26 of Christ 5547, which passeth 5235 5723 knowledge 1108, that 2443 ye might be filled 4137 5686 with 1519 all 3956 the fulness 4138 of God 2316. Amen 281. google_ad_height = 90; 3:6 That the Gentiles 1484 should be 1511 5750 fellowheirs 4789, and 2532 of the same body 4954, and 2532 partakers 4830 of his 846 promise 1860 in 1722 Christ 5547 by 1223 the gospel 2098: google_ad_client = "pub-1116476291714909"; GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - KJV INDEX & SEARCH google_ad_height = 90; 3:15 Of 1537 whom 3739 the whole 3956 family 3965 in 1722 heaven 3772 and 2532 earth 1909 1093 is named 3687 5743, Ephesians 3:1 The hidden mystery that the Gentiles should be saved was made known to Paul by revelation; Ephesians 3:8 and to him was that grace given, that he should preach it. 18 may be strong to apprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, 19 and to know the love of Christ which passeth knowledge, that ye may be filled unto all the fulness of God. 3:4 Whereby 4314 3739, when ye read 314 5723, ye may 1410 5736 understand 3539 5658 my 3450 knowledge 4907 in 1722 the mystery 3466 of Christ 5547) GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - KJV INDEX & SEARCH 3:13 Wherefore 1352 I desire 154 5731 that ye faint 1573 5721 not 3361 at 1722 my 3450 tribulations 2347 for 5228 you 5216, which 3748 is 2076 5748 your 5216 glory 1391. 3:18 May be able 1840 5661 to comprehend 2638 5641 with 4862 all 3956 saints 40 what 5101 [is] the breadth 4114, and 2532 length 3372, and 2532 depth 899, and 2532 height 5311; 3:21 Unto him 846 [be] glory 1391 in 1722 the church 1577 by 1722 Christ 5547 Jesus 2424 throughout 1519 all 3956 ages 1074, world 165 without end 165. 3:16 That in the wealth of his glory he would make you strong with power through his Spirit in your hearts; Darby's English Translation 3:16 in order that he may give you according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with power by his Spirit in the inner man; /* 728x90, created 11/5/11 */ 11According to the eternal purpose which he purposed in Christ Jesus our Lord: Amen. 3:8 Unto me 1698, who am less than the least 1647 of all 3956 saints 40, is 1325 0 this 3778 grace 5485 given 1325 5681, that I should preach 2097 5670 among 1722 the Gentiles 1484 the unsearchable 421 riches 4149 of Christ 5547; 3:18 May be able 1840 5661 to comprehend 2638 5641 with 4862 all 3956 saints 40 what 5101 [is] the breadth 4114, and 2532 length 3372, and 2532 depth 899, and 2532 height 5311; 3:19 And 5037 to know 1097 5629 the love 26 of Christ 5547, which passeth 5235 5723 knowledge 1108, that 2443 ye might be filled 4137 5686 with 1519 all 3956 the fulness 4138 of God 2316. GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - KJV INDEX & SEARCH 16I ask that out of the riches of His glory He may strengthen you with power through His Spirit in your inner being, Ephesians 3 BSB + Strong's: Par The Mystery of the Gospel. 3:10 To the intent that 2443 now 3568 unto the principalities 746 and 2532 powers 1849 in 1722 heavenly 2032 [places] might be known 1107 5686 by 1223 the church 1577 the manifold 4182 wisdom 4678 of God 2316, 3:3 How that 3754 by 2596 revelation 602 he made known 1107 5656 unto me 3427 the mystery 3466; (as 2531 I wrote afore 4270 5656 in 1722 few words 3641,(aforeĀ…: or, a little before) 3:9 And 2532 to make 5461 0 all 3956 [men] see 5461 5658 what 5101 [is] the fellowship 2842 of the mystery 3466, which 3588 from 575 the beginning of the world 165 hath been hid 613 5772 in 1722 God 2316, who 3588 created 2936 5660 all things 3956 by 1223 Jesus 2424 Christ 5547:

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