We also explore how it promotes the flow of energy through your body, soul, and even home – as well as how it affects your capacity to open the heart to more far-reaching concepts like astral travel. It is also a stone of joy and nurturing, helping you access the freedom and magic of a child when they feel safe and loved. Ametrine helps you find clarity, make decisions, and move forward powerfully in alignment with your spiritual path. It helps you speak your truth with conviction in a way others can understand. Likewise, if your life has become a little humdrum and boring, you can see it as if anew with the influence of the vibrations of Rhyolite. Amethyst stimulates the amygdala which aids in opening and expanding the Third Eye. Learn more from our favorite book The Book of Stones. Petrified wood is an ancient fossil of a tree. Unconditional love knows no limits, as Rose Quartz and its energies know all too well. It assists in journeying inwardly and finding hidden truths in our unconscious and in past lives. Obsidian is an earth-stone, activating the root chakra and grounding you in your connection to the Earth. Bloodstone is connected to the root chakra, which is that which anchors you most in physical reality. In fact, it is heavily associated with the New Age spiritual movement. As the name suggest, Aquamarine is a stone that is highly connected to water and its healing, nutritious properties. Mahogany Obsidian is useful for clearing self-imposed blocks that lurk in your subconscious due to past harmful experiences. This supercharges your ability to manifest and create success in the world. The resonating energies of Mother of Pearl will enhance your communication skills and guide you in expressing yourself in a more effective way. Lapis lazuli has been said to unlock mysteries by helping the wearer or … This crystal promotes a clear mind, as well as openness and honesty in your communication. You will find a description of the metaphysical properties and chakra balancing information for popular healing stones carried at Satin Crystals. Sunstone will encourage you to perhaps stick with those bright ideas a little more. Pictured is orange calcite, which works with the 2nd and 3rd chakras, healing and giving energy toward creativity, sexuality, and the will. To manifest your dreams, you first need to know what they are. If you feel like people have been walking all over you or exploiting your generosity for too long, Onyx might be able to help you stand firm. Blue is the most common, and is a stone that enables communication and energy transfer mind-to-mind, between the conscious mind and the dreaming mind (creating lucid dreams), and between the physical and astral body. Sometimes all the energies and crystals in the world can’t change a bad situation as immediately as we need, and so we instead need to endure a process through to its completion before we can end it. Moonstone can promote calmness and serenity to a worried couple, but also illuminate any flaws that are preventing a romance from working out. Citrine: The Money Stone. It helps you discern and speak the truth, as well as discover your truest inner Self. However, Sodalite is also strongly linked to psychic energies, and to attuning yourself to your most profound intuitive insights. Many people look to place Selenite in their home or office to keep negative emotions and low vibration energies at bay. The bigger picture is brought into focus when you work with the healing energies of Lepidolite. 28. There are many forms of power. Rather than just bring you joy, Alexandrite helps you develop your own source of joy within yourself. By keeping light and airy, you are often able to be your best self. Tourmaline comes in a wide variety of types and colors. It’s a real confidence booster! It facilitates an awareness of the beauty of every moment, and your power to choose and make the most of your life. However, when used in meditation, it is also a valuable anchoring stone that prevents you from drifting too far off into the ethereal realm. Lepidolite is a crystal of progress, but also a crystal that reminds us that progress takes time. It can help you release past hardships, and step into a new reality of fruitful goodness. If you often feel bowled over by the strong personalities of others, or otherwise have a difficult time overcoming boisterous people, this crystal can not only keep you safe, but also help you to speak your mind. Individual types of agate have their own personal healing properties. Watermelon Tourmaline supports heart-centered awareness, calming the mind and emotions and bringing us into alignment with deep joy and peace. Apatite is seen as a good stone for creative thinking, meaning it’s not only good for those who work in media and the arts, but also that it unlocks new out of the box thinking for scientists and business minded people. Therefore it is good for meditation and inner work to clarify inner conflicts and confusion and integrate the self. Amazonite is often seen as a stone of bravery – apt perhaps, when one considered Amazonian warriors! White/clear topaz acts as a magnifier, helping you manifest what you focus on. The high vibrations of Lapis Lazuli make it a crystal that is very appealing to anyone wanting to fast track their spiritual growth. This crystal is also known as the ‘love crystal’. This is a stone of truth and illumination, meaning that not only will you see behind the lies of other people, but also stop kidding yourself in certain areas of life too. While it is invaluable in piercing through illusions, dispelling poor karmic patterns and otherwise breaking apart anything that holds you back, it does this with an energy that is very direct and striking. Each day begins to feel like a new opportunity under this energy, and the positive vibrations you will welcome from this crystal can help you to see the opportunities before you. Kunzite is a pale pink stone that is associated with Divine Love. Keep your Ocean Jasper close at hand when you feel as though you’re overwhelmed by the circumstances of your life. Pyrite also encourages self reflection though, and by spending time with the stone, you will come to learn the traits about yourself that aren’t serving your higher cause. Green Calcite reminds us all that rest and relaxation are as important as ambition and accomplishment when it comes to progressing in life. It can also help to align you with other people undergoing the same journey. This means that meditation undertaken with this crystal is often much more vivid, and a piece of this stone beneath your pillow inspires colorful, insightful dreams at night. By bringing the subtle body into balance, it bolsters our inner vitality and gives us the heart to make necessary sacrifices, look at painful truths, or endure physical trials. Its connection to the Aztecs and to Ancient China are well documented, and there has been mythology surrounding this stone for thousands of years. It improves empathy and helps release suppressed emotions. Serpentine is a stone that works with the lower chakras, and as such, it can help to alleviate any preoccupations you have with the physical world – or with physical intimacy. It can also help you decipher inner visions related to your destiny and purpose. Morganite is a heart chakra stone and carries the energy of Divine love and compassion. It’s also a crystal that draws abundance to you, meaning it’s popular with those looking to boost their finances or their good fortune in other areas of the material world. Labradorite awakens psychic abilities such as telepathy and prophecy. Learn about healing gemstones with this chart of stone meanings. Often it takes courage to reach out to new opportunities as they emerge, and this crystal will help you do just that. As life changes, the crystals that you are attracted to will, as well. Goldstone helps you to find the inner spark of brilliance within you, and to put it to work to become a force for positive change in the world. It connects the various points within you that will help you break the chains that are holding you back from being your best self. With its frosty white and cool blue hues, Apophyllite is a brilliant stone for calming an overactive mind. Black tourmaline is one of the best protection crystals available and widely used for metaphysical work. It can help you realign your busy life and find your own natural rhythm of balance and harmony. Crystals are rocks, minerals, and other healing stones that humans have used for thousands of years for their healing powers. There’s an almost animalistic quality to Kambaba Jasper, especially in its appearance – but also in its vibrations and energies. Magnesite is a white gemstone that helps support psychic abilities and awaken your consciousness to higher states. There is a strong undercurrent of vitality to this stone that perks you up and electrifies your mind with ideas and ambitions. There are many ways to use chakra stones for healing. However, this crystal can also help you to clear your own negativity too. Like chrysoprase, it can help heal heartbreak and nourish your emotional self. It serves as a bridge between the rational mind and non-rational energies such as the heart, intuition, the depths of your unconscious, and your soul. This crystal can help to open your third eye chakra, and because of that, can lead you to some fascinating spiritual insights. Fluorite is a popular meditation aid, not least since adopting a state of utmost calm and a quiet mind is so important for entering the meditative state. Lapis Lazuli. A quick search on the internet will tell us that the use of healing crystals, or gems and stones believed to have "healing powers," are closely associated with mystic practices. Just as the mightiest oaks can grow from the smallest of acorns, Tree Agate is able to help you to understand how best to nurture your ideas, visions and plans now, so that they can stand the test of time in the long term. Raw crystals are often among the most powerful of ways to tune in to a protective stone, or powerful healing stones in general. It is calming, soothing, and nurturing and can help heal problems arising from family history or past lives. This stone also helps to ease the burden of these transitions. However, we will also delve into crystals that help with depression, the birthstones for different months of the year, the crystals that are good for bringing peace in a troubled love-life, and more. Everything you need to know about clearing and cleansing your crystals, your space, and yourself (plus how to do it!) It has a melting effect on mistrust and suspicion, and reawakens the heart chakra to abundance of love available to it. Because of this, it’s a good crystal for stress relief, and for stopping your mind from cycling through the same handful of worries over and over again, disrupting sleep and concentration. It can be used to clear the aura from negativity or stuck energy, and to clear crystals by placing them on top of a flat piece of selenite. There are many varieties of calcite, and each has specific properties. Here you'll find all collections you've created before. Ever a guiding light to psychic practitioners, and a beautiful crystal for use in jewelry besides, Amethyst is both popular and powerful. Azurite is often known as the Stone of the Heavens, making it a popular choice for those looking to embrace divine guidance and connections to the angelic realm. Beadage is also a member of the Etsy Affiliate Program. It brings the energy of higher consciousness down through the chakras to your root, and helps you transform that energy into physical reality. Cleanses and enhances the organs and acts as a deep soul cleanser. But alongside strengthening these parts of ourselves, Citrine also promotes the idea of growth. Garnet helps to encourage you to make the most of every day, and it can help to heal you physically so you have the health and energy to do just that. It helps protect you from negative influences and connects you with the energy of the Earth for integration, healing, and empowerment. Amethyst is a powerhouse stone. Named for the peak of the Himalayas, K2 Stone is similarly keen to help you climb to new heights. It helps you access your innate power and protects you from negativity as you take action in the world. About Affiliate Links: Links on this site to external sites may be affiliate links, meaning that if you purchase from that site, Beadage gets a small percentage of what you pay. The speckles and spots that form the distinctive colors and markings of Leopard Skin Jasper help to illustrate that we all have our own patterns and quirks too. If you want a good balance of keeping it real and looking on the bright side, Rhyolite is a good crystal to look into. Howlite is calming because it encourages you to “live and let live”, letting go of attachments that are causing stress and encouraging you to enjoy your life as it is without worrying about what others are doing. Yet in the modern era, many of us are looking back to these ancient ways for releasing fear and embracing some grounding energy when our heads start spinning. This stone is also fantastic for clearing away stress and worry. Topaz comes in many colors which have different but related properties. Yet that reputation for protection, inspiration, motivation and healing that Jade has is just as accurate today. Jet is a protection & purification stone. It helps us connect to the Earth and know we belong here. However, crystals in jewelry and crystal wands, pendants, and pendulums are all also more refined ways of attracting the energies of these stones, and working with them. Apache Tears are helpful for surfacing grief held in the emotional body in order to cleanse and heal old trauma or wounds from a previous life. It clears the aura of negative energy, and can also be used for scrying. Thanks to its black color and overall luster, Obsidian is a crystal that is very evocative and mysterious. It enhances intuition and encourages the wisdom and patience to trust Divine timing. This type of garnet helps the wearer release guilt and shame, open to receiving love, and walk forward with a sense of clarity and self-worth. Selenite is best known for being a clearing & purification crystal. Support us on Patreon and get personal crystal advice. This website delves into the knowledge, lore and energies deeply in play behind both the world’s most famous crystals and gemstones, but also the more esoteric, rare and little known yet powerful stones discovered in the world’s most remote locations. Its deeper purpose is help you release old habits and patterns so you are ready for new opportunities and growth and can move forward with confidence. Sometimes, it’s good to be a little stubborn! It also serves as a general grounding stone, helping you integrate insights from higher vibrations by keeping your feet on the ground and helping you handle practical matters. This is a crystal that reminds you to relax, and to recognize that many of life’s grandest voyages are those that lead to unexpected destinations. But Kambaba Jasper will help you to retain your strength and perseverance throughout those processes, as well as reminding you to take it easy on yourself if things go wrong. However, there are also the different forms crystals can take to consider too. There’s a rich earthy quality to Picture Jasper that helps to promote grounding energies and an overall appreciation for taking things slow when you need to. It awakens higher consciousness, assists in wise decision-making free of emotional confusion, and facilitates meditation and intuition. Turquoise is a crystal that has remarkable ties to the throat chakra. https://www.groveandgrotto.com/blogs/articles/gemstones-and-their-meanings Throughout the course of time, crystals have been implemented for their many healing benefits. It is helpful for people suffering from depression, as it gently lifts the spirits and helps one appreciate the present moment and the beauty of life. These can be cuts off a larger natural formation or a striking centerpiece that accentuates the energies of the stone. Since 2012 CrystalsAndJewelry.com has been the fastest growing collection expert articles, media and information on the powers of crystals and their meanings. Lapis Lazuli: This richly blue-hued stone, known as “the stone of truth,” works from the throat chakra … It can awaken you to your own courage, and help you to take a stand assertively but compassionately when shattering the illusions that keep you living the same mistakes over and over. As you read more with us, you’ll see how it’s simple to see which crystal to choose. In other words, Clear Quartz works by bringing clarity to all around you, letting you see into the truth of things. Blue lace agate is ideal for situations where you know you must speak up and don’t feel confident that you can find the right words. Please remember, although the powers of crystals and stones are well documented and have been proven to help bring positivity into people’s lives they are never a substitute for medical advice. Gemstone Meanings & Crystal Healing Chart. Unakite supports the physical body by purging toxicity from old emotional wounds and attachments, anger and resentment, and bad habits like overeating. This stone also encourages the emotions that go had in hand with love, such as kindness and forgiveness. It is also good for grounding idealistic or imaginative visions into practical applications. It does this by strengthening the root chakra, purifying the aura, and grounding one fully in the physical body. Onyx focuses and directs your energy toward your goals, helping you stay the course. It provides hope by means of awareness of the possibilities that are always available to you, no matter your circumstances. It awakens a braver side of you, but it does so in a way that isn’t superficial. However, at a more accessible level, this crystal is one that reminds you to take good care of yourself day to day. Ever wanted to recognize crystals in one glance? You likely already know that Pyrite is often called Fool’s Gold, but don’t let its comparative lack of monetary value fool you! If you’re looking to get back into harmony with nature, or are trying to find ways to escape the madness of big city life, Green Calcite can prove just the ticket. If you are feeling so negative that you just can’t motivate yourself to make any changes to your life – or so inflated with positive emotions that your feet never touch the ground – Sodalite brings everything into equilibrium. Green jade carries the energy of the Earth and nature, providing a wholesome, nurturing energy that uplifts and soothes the heart. Our in-depth articles explore numerous such means of tapping into these energies, as well as how to maintain and care for the more sensitive crystals in your collection. It can help you let go of negative physical habits like overeating or smoking, and create a naturally healthy state of everyday existence. This crystal can help you to remain steadfast and unshaken in pursuit of your goals. It is a stone of the Divine Feminine–teaching a form of power that is yielding and yet resilient, and letting you speak your truth clearly from a place of inner knowing rather than reactivity. Golden topaz also helps in manifestation, but more slowly and with more emphasis on connecting and accepting your life path. Blue Lace Agate has a mystical appearance, and lots of depth in the way light plays off even the simplest piece of it. If your heart wants something, carnelian can give you the confidence and power to go for it. It will bring energies of manifestation in your life so that you will be able to fulfill your heart’s desires. Aragonite is a good stone to have if you wish to form a deeper connection to the Earth. By activating the first three chakras, Carnelian provides a powerful boost to your willpower, with the physical energy and drive to back it up. Next, get in touch with your specific desire for healing or change in your life. https://www.healthline.com/health/mental-health/guide-to-healing-crystals That will help you win half the battle. It vibrates with the energy of sunshine, showering you with blessings and abundance. Deep and mysterious, Onyx is a protective stone as many darker crystals are. If you are looking for a particular birthstone you can find the birthstones for each month in the list below or more about birthstones here: Getting to the bottom of crystal meanings and understanding how to make those energies work for you is the guiding mission of CrystalsandJewelry.com. But patience is a virtue, and Dumortierite knows that. Now, look through the images of stones on the site and feel how you body responds to them. Emerald is a pure activator of the heart chakra. However, you can also use it if you have been having problems sleeping, by placing it beneath your pillow. Tourmaline carries the frequency of natural joy and beauty. The great thing about crystals is that their energies are indiscriminate. Mookaite is a yellow, brown and reddish-purple form of jasper found only in Australia. Green apatite helps sooth the nervous system and maintain inner balance. That’s growth of an individual, growth in a relationship, growth in financial abundance – anything you turn its powers towards. There are several dozen types of jasper which each have unique properties, but in general jaspers all share the property of connecting the wearer with Earth energy and have a grounding and stabilizing effect. But of course, doing so means much in the way of healing and growth – so luckily, this stone can help you with that too. This is also a crystal of optimism, which we could all do with in today’s world of negative media bias and ever more challenges before us as a society. It will remind you of all the little things you love, and give you the means to connect with them and make yourself just a little more upbeat and ready to take on life’s challenges. This is a crystal that speaks to the more primal parts of ourselves, and encourages us to realize than some things are just part of human nature. The most represented in jewelry is pyrope garnet. You pay the same price. Of course, those tumbled stones come from raw crystals themselves, which many people prefer. It will help you to better understand any issues that have arisen in your love life, and also bring you into closer harmony with natural remedies and places of deep spiritual meaning, away from the thrum of the city. Pyrite strengthens and activates the third chakra, the seat of the will. Green aventurine is known as the “Lucky Talisman” or “Stone of Opportunity” for its good luck properties. Cleansing & Clearing. Blue topaz is a magnifier for psychic abilities. All healing crystals serve a similar purpose, which is to guide us towards our highest potential. Action is indeed the name of the game for Mookaite, and the greatest rewards of this stone come to those who use its energies to make big strides in life, or in travel. If you have a physical or mental illness, please see a doctor or mental health professional. Better yet, this is an excellent stone for confidence. If you are so bogged down in the physical realm that your higher and spiritual selves are totally out of balance, this crystal can even the scales somewhat. However, it also helps those who are just starting on their own soul searching to find their spiritual feet without feeling daunted. Malachite is a stalwart protector and bolsterer of your strength and willpower. It also acts to amplify the energies of any other stone you are working with. Zircon is an energy-stimulating stone that can help “wake up” any chakra. In general, calcite is gentle and revitalizing and works to clear energy blockages in the body’s energy systems. In tarot and astrology, the moon is associated with secret feelings and hidden intentions, although not necessarily cruel ones – and the same is often true of this crystal. Pink tourmaline helps heal emotional wounds, alleviate emotional stress, and promote kindness, peace, and love. It can help to alleviate all kinds of physical pain and injuries, as well as enhance effective circulation of both the bloodstream and your spirit body’s energy centers. Moonstone is especially good for healing rifts in romance, and also encouraging new lovers to open their heart to one another. They encourage you to see, seek, and radiate the Light within yourself. May 8, 2018 - Learn about crystals and their meanings! In this way it can be protective, letting you carry around a bubble of sunshine wherever you go. This crystal amplifies your psychic energies and your spiritual connectedness. There’s a great sense of positivity within Agate that means that even the most cynical and world weary among us can find some hope for the future from letting this stone’s energies in. There’s a sense of playful risk taking involved with Aventurine. Ambition and a sense of enthusiasm about life all get amplified when the energies of Apatite are let into your life. It helps dissolve old hurts and open the heart to trust in love and have faith in the benevolence of the Universe. You might make a difference to your life. Although they are truly lovely when it comes to jewelry, crystals serve a much deeper and spiritual purpose in our lives.. With its creamy appearance and its otherworldly texture, Moonstone is a crystal that has often been sought by those looking to expand their visions beyond what’s possible on this world alone. A pure healing intention makes chakra healing work. That’s because self esteem and a deeper insight into yourself – your strengths and your weaknesses – is the kind of energy that Tiger’s Eye offers. Crystal meanings including: clear quartz, smoky quartz,fluorite ,rose quartz, amethyst crystals and many more. Hematite is a stone that focuses the heart and mind on what is real, tangible, physical and attainable. If you’ve somehow forgotten life’s little joys, or never seem to have fun in anything you do, this crystal can help you let your more cheeky side out to play. Garnets help you turn your visions into physical reality. They are intense stones! Yellow sapphire is one of the best stones for manifestation, wealth-building, and creating success. Many crystal healers see Fuchsite as a stone of tough love. Amethyst Crystal Card - Jewelry Display Card - Printable - Amethyst Meaning - Healing Stone - Jewelry Gift Tag - Chakra Kit Insert - Label.

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