Actually, I think all the Tarot cards are messengers in their own way! The Minor Arcana is divided into 4 suits (of 14 cards each): Wands, Pentacles, Cups, and Swords. Check out some frequently asked Tarot questions or learn more Tarot techniques! Accidentally stumbled upon this and so grateful I did. This comes in large portion to things I’ve learned here. It’s important to consider these elements and areas when working with the minor arcana cards, making it much easier to for an intuitive reading to happen (after a bit of practice of course)! If you are interested in learning how to read tarot cards, one thing you will need to learn is a few common spreads.I have put together this list of tarot spreads for beginners to help you find a few useful spreads as an introduction to reading tarot cards. But, that wasn’t actually even the first deck I got for myself; only the first I tried to learn to read with. I brought the deck to work with me today so they can hang out. Although, I told myself last night that I was gonna focus on angel tarot cards. How can I take personal action? The colorful, 78-card Quick and Easy Tarot deck is based on the Universal Waite Tarot deck. Teresa, thank you so much for this! So as you can see, these aren’t Tarot tips for learning Tarot card meanings quickly – but if you play around with these techniques, I guarantee you will not forget the Tarot card meanings quickly, either! 3. When you start with reading the tarot cards, it can be overwhelming. Learning Tarot takes a while, so don’t feel discouraged if you don’t learn it fast – just enjoy the process , Really helpful, Thnx! I have no idea where that idea of having to wait for someone else to give you a deck came from. That card is soooo relevant to my question, the answer so clear. Do you know how those that do “produce” reversed cards? We Are Under Construction, Take a peek back soon. I want to learn alot from this and thanks to your guidance, surely it will help me get connected to my deck soon. several of your articles, I am excited to go home and open the cards up, and get to know them. I still remember I felt so overwhelmed when I started my tarot journey. Hope that makes sense! Cheers, What cards are these and where can I buy them. See if you can relate each card to a time in your life when you experienced what this card is portraying or to someone you know who has these characteristics. Picked them up and put them back down. It’s about pushing the limits to reach your goals and dreams. Learn Tarot Cards Quickly: Suit of Cups - Kindle edition by Eshey, Ian. My love is helping people to discover Tarot in the same way I did: quickly and without all-to-common mystique and mambo jumbo. Thank you so much! Love, What Your Favorite Tarot Card Says About You…. Sometimes its quite hard to link your guide due to the illustrations slightly different. Hope that helps! Have fun with these and let me know what exercise was your favorite in the comments box below… Check out some frequently asked Tarot questions or learn more Tarot techniques! I’ve been interested for a while but found remembering all the meanings more difficult. Instead, use questions that will put the responsibility back on you. So no, I would say it isn’t normal to physically shake when you use Tarot. Thank You! Hi Kaia, Trying to understand the more esoteric meanings of the Major Arcana has been a great challenge for me. I didn’t read all of the comments but will add, that the writing on the deck (with sticky notes) was invaluable to me. I can answer this! Truly Teach Me Tarot – Free Tarot Training . I would recommend using an old deck or an extra deck that you don’t care about, since this pretty much ruins your cards! Lol! Meaning n8 is Justice and n11 is Strenght. The Complete Clairvoyance Guide and 9 unmistakable Signs. Over the next centuries, mystics and philosophers continued to expand the role of tarot. Let the energy of that card seep into your dreams,” she said to Insider. 5 Tarot Card Spread To Start With As A Beginner . while in other decks its vice versa. Together with thousands of experienced tarot readers we created a list with the top ten decks for beginners. Learning how to read tarot cards is an incredible journey that gives you valuable insight and advice. I am inspired to buy some more. Maybe the Four of Cups reminds you of the time you kept getting job offers that just didn’t interest you. There are thousands! Instead, you can better use a 3-card spread that represents the past, present, and future or the mind, body, and spirit of the person being read. Cups– emotions, feeling, relationships (Water) Getting your first deck is a super exciting process! Does that help? These cards are known as “money cards” since they are often associated with money-related decisions and financial windfalls. Required fields are marked *. The most given advice to beginners is to do a daily card pull where you pull one card from the deck. All you need is the willingness to honor and develop your natural intuition. Most readers believe that this myth comes from a time when tarot decks were not difficult to find, in some places, it was a crime to use them. I have put together a binder full of card meanings, but I am still struggling with learning them and becoming more comfortable with reading them. How do I know when it is my own wants/needs forming my interpretation as opposed to the message I need to hear? So don’t scrap what you’ve been doing, but now you can also see the Pages as messengers as well. In the order of the astrological signs, leo comes before libra. Do they randomly reverse some “blind” as it were, and if so how many? Of course not all Tarot cards are so obviously illustrated, but this technique will work for many of the minor arcana cards. I never opened the cards though because the series is (based on Aesop’s fables) not labeled in the traditional way, and as an inexperienced reader I figured there was no way I’d ever be able to interpret them without going to page 5 for a specific card and reading the “real” meaning out of a guidebook. Really loving your ability to explain the cards and I am enjoying learning from you. Your email address will not be published. Cheers ChrisC, Thank you Chris! Best of luck to you as you learn the cards – it’s overwhelming at first but just go at your own pace and have fun with it. Because they were sold on the ‘black market’ of the time, you would need to know the right person to get your hands on a set. For example, my deck is the wildwood deck, where arrows, bows, vessels, and stones replace the traditional swords, wands, cups, and pentacles respectively. The opposing cards,ie Key1 Magicia would fall across from theWorld. The Major Arcana consists of 22 cards. This article is indeed useful. Doing these exercise you suggested helped me a great deal about understanding the tarot. Improve your focus by doing complex tasks without breaks (even if they're unrelated). That’s great to hear, Mary. Especially when you first start out, as there are 1000’s of tarot books to choose from. Water if fluid, agile, and “in flow” but also powerful and formative. I ended up buying the painting and one of the decks. Thank you! Go through your Tarot deck and choose one symbol on each card that represents an aspect of that cards meaning for you. Look at the imagery and think about the meaning of the card. Tarot has long been met with superstition and was once seen as the preserve of hippies with a fondness for the occult and chintzy fortune teller stereotypes. I’m sure I’d find it somewhere eventually, but maybe it’s quicker to ask your good self? Thanks for your reply, but I’m still wondering what the small animals mean, I.e. Learning the Tarot is a self-paced series of 19 lessons that begin with the basics and then move gradually into more detailed aspects of the tarot. There’s nothing wrong with going out and buying your own Tarot deck. All other majors have the same order though. I buy houses to renovate. However, the plus point is that no single card is independent. Hi, recently i just ventured into this tarot thing.. I ask because I have comes across a few website’s and books that the position switches: in Waite deck: Strength is at 8 and Justice is at 11, whereas the Rose Tarrot; Justice is at 8 & Strength is at 11? Understanding the elements (water, fire, earth, and air) that sit behind the Tarot Suits of the Minor Arcana is an easy way to quickly learn how to read your cards. With some training, you could do this much better than me and I’ve been doing this for 15 years!” I’ve never forgotten that. Spirituality and consciousness are also allies of this suit. Hopefully it will be more meaningful to me when using this homemade deck. I like Waite’s, it creates a perfect circle in the Tarot, where the Marseilles has a loop, or twist on one side, and Crowley’s has two symmetrical loops, one on either side, so it looks like a Moebius strip. Given that reversal of a card appears to be a key aspect in interpretation, it astonishes me that no one seems to see fit to cover this. This woman got her mom an Angel Oracle deck and said she fell head over heels for them because they showed positive messages from the angels. Tarot fundamentals are easy to understand. xxx. Major and Minor Arcana Upright and Reversed meanings. Thanks for this tip, Adrian – I really like this way of looking at the cards – I am going to sit down tonight with my deck and try this out! Kate, Yes I saw it among 30 other decks You showed. I am on a tarot learning course at the local spiritual church, which I am a member. I recently looked at all the decks I’d bought over the last 20 plus years, simply because I loved the images. Light an Inscence, candle, use crystals to cleanse the area you sit in to call upon the Angels and spirits, release all negative energies the cards may have accumulated by placing the rose Quartz and clear quartz on top of the deck for a few moments while you close your eyes and voice your requests out to the universe, ask for clear answers and clarity for your own self and self guidance. Hi. It is what creates trust and allows us to open up. Im so confused haha. Since I’ve been working with the cards, I’ve found the most difficult part is finding the best question, and the best way to ask it. This is not so easy, however. I felt good and relieved when I found the card, but then doubt tapped me on the shoulder. That’s a great question – I think that it could cause a bit of confusion for you since I know many decks illustrate the suit of wands as a firey suit with orangey hues and such and Swords as air, with colder colors, but really, I don’t think it matters all that much how you see it – go with the way you originally learned it (which actually makes sense, the way you explained it) but just keep in mind the other elemental association as well. The cards will determine the best course of action based on what is known and what the cards show. Like a magic rod, the Suit of Wands represents creativity, intuition, and new ideas. You can look at it as a general life path or use it to examine a certain area or period in your life. She said, “You could do this better than me!” I asked, “What!” She said, “Read tarot cards. I don’t have my own deck yet so I can only learn so much. How does the deck depict your favorite card. If you can’t see a link between the cards in each number group, what are the differences? What Tarot decks and books do you recommend for an absolute Tarot beginner? For readers like myself who don’t usually read with reversals, I make sure all my cards are upright in the deck when I shuffle. Thank you for your reply. salamanders (lizard things) there’s a rabbit on one card, plus birds and fish. I did not notice it before but I bought a new pack of cards called Taroth Of The Sephiroth and started to compare the Images of The Major Arcana with my Rider-Wite and Cosmic Tarot decks and I found it a bit confusing that the Sephiroth had 2 cards in different order. It would appear as though this person is going off in search of something, perhaps even abandoning the cups. So, if you didn’t know where to start with Tarot, you came to the right place! For example, the Eight of Cups shows a figure walking away from eight stacked cups. Better I imagine to weave the negative flipside of a given card into one’s interpretation in an intuitive way, incorporating the vibe one gets from the enquirer. Happy Tarot Reading! Kate, This has been a really great read, full of all the things i was looking for, and so insightful. How did it align with your worries or thoughts? What can I do? Doing this will help you understand and remember the Tarot card meanings in a deep, personal way so that you won’t forget them easily! I hadn’t heard this before I got my deck but I had a trippy experience in the bookstore. I hope that’s okay. Let the cards decide your nights and see if the advice turned out well! Afterwards someone told me I wasn’t supposed to buy my own first deck but based on my experience I would say that’s not accurate. Remove the Major Arcana cards from the deck and group the remaining Minor Arcana cards and Court cards into four groups – Cups, Swords, Pentacles and Wands. Your comment made me smile so much Best of luck getting to know your deck and I hope you continue to use my site for ideas and inspiration! Click here to buy and print it right away, we created a list with the top ten decks for beginners, 9 Easy Tarot Love Spreads to Spread the Love, 10 Amazing Decks of Printable Tarot Cards to Use Immediately, Ace of Wands Tarot Meaning: Fresh Starts & Brilliant Ideas, 11 Popular Tarot Spreads for Beginners and Advanced readers, The Emperor Tarot Card Meaning: Love, Money, Health & More, The Chariot Tarot Card Meaning: Love, Health, Money & More, Pendulum 101: Your Guide on How to Use a Pendulum, Six of Cups Tarot Card Meaning: Love, Health, Money & More, Ace of Cups Tarot Card Meaning: Love, Health, Money & More, 59 Best Tarot Decks of All-Time you’ll all Want to Collect, Are you Clairvoyant? Interested in starting with my printable tarot deck or tarot journal pages right away? The best way to get started with tarot as a beginner is to subscribe to my free 7-day Tarot mini-course here: You can expect a daily email for one week with all teachings you need to understand the Tarot in 7 days. You don’t have to use them for every reading. I think both representations work pretty well, so I don’t really worry too much about it. You then become aware of how the cards in a spread interact, which can be compared with learning to put words together to form sentences. So as you can see, these aren’t Tarot tips for learning Tarot card meanings quickly – but if you play around with these techniques, I guarantee you will not forget the Tarot card meanings quickly, either! Tarot Keyword Flashcards, the free, quick and easy way to learn how to read Tarot like professional! In my article about tarot decks, you can find a more in-depth explanation of these 8 tips to consider when buying your first deck. Kate. When she started mine, she looked at my cards, then up at me. All the cards have different meanings. I actually have a question that’s a bit off topic, but I’ve always been told that we should try to avoid buying our own first deck, that it’s better for the right deck to find us. Growing and developing your tarot skills often means reading anything and everything you can get your hands on. and enables me to connect with my inner wisdom. What Can You Expect From This Workshop? Teach your brain to learn. Greetings. Wands– spiritual aspect, passion, creative drive, vocation (Fire). if you could help me, that would be great. Also certain well known cards from the major arcana are changed in ways that make them hard to recognize to a traditional deck, such as number 16 and 17, which ii believe are supposed to be the hanged man and the tower are now the blasted oak and the pole star. Swords (knives) when used in a murder is often times called a crime of passion, passion represents fire. Please note that it’s a printable deck that comes in a PDF file. Both a reflection and an opposite in meaning Amazing insights which I never expected! Just wanted to say that I really liked your tips and I am going to try them. Read reviews from world’s largest community for readers. Hi, Kate! Hugs, The original order was Justice as 8 and Strength as 11 but the Rider Waite deck switched this order and so now many decks have done the same thing.

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