When you love someone, you believe what the person tells you … Why risk cheating on someone you love, if you really love them? Good sex. Man, life is good. According to psychotherapy counselor Claire McRitchie, the reasons someone cheats can be incredibly complex. Those who don't probably think about it. As much as we want to believe that we won’t make the same mistakes our parents made, it always seems to overtake our common sense in the end. Anthropologist Helen Fisher takes on a tricky topic – love – and explains its evolution, its biochemical foundations and its social importance. Here’s a look at those key factors and how they might come up in … A lot. The man who dared stray. As cheesy as this may sound, you fall in love with the person that completes you. Nope! ~ Relephant reads: When Cheating Works. Why We Cheat. I never really understood why people cheat. But they do offer a helpful framework for better understanding why people cheat. We love cheating because it helps us grow. So, some people cheat out of a need for validation, says DePompo. And we get to be ourselves the whole way through. #3 Cheating parents. Feeling that your partner is not “The One” for you. There is no excuse for cheating. While it’s true that some people do set out to hurt the ones they are supposed to love, effectively making them seem like a bad person to society, that’s not always the case. Because they want to be accepted, respected, loved, wanted, or praised (the things they likely feel they aren't getting in their current relationship). Sometimes, when we say we’re looking for someone with a great sense of humor, it just means we dream of spending our days with someone who doesn’t take life so seriously! When you cheat on someone, you don’t love them, period. A version of a dopamine receptor gene called DRD4 has been linked to people’s tendency toward cheating and even one-night stands. As with so many poor decisions, the choice is often fear-based. Lack of love. Why would someone who's in love with their spouse or significant other cheat? Sometimes cheating men tell me, and the women they love, that their behavior doesn’t really count as cheating, because it didn’t involve actual sex. George Bernard Shaw said it differently. We’ve looked at theories of cheating based on our animal origins, as well as modern theories stating we cheat because we are filling voids of self-abandonment. People naturally want to be with partners who make them a better person. Specifically why men should cheat. Porn and video games and corn flakes. If you cheat, it means that, on some level, you have not wholly accepted your partner and the relationship. Why do people cheat on people they love? Knowing we can attract not just one but two or more partners can be an ego boost. The question is why. Why do people cheat, and how do couples survive infidelity and come out stronger on the other end? I Did that make sense? "The uncomfortable truth is, the answer lies behind … Hokemeyer says they might be afraid that "they're not worthy of love, that they're losing their sex appeal, or they're being discounted or outright dismissed by others. The people we know and love the most are the same people we're most awful to in word and deed -- and vice versa. "When we hear about people cheating we often look at the external factors of their life and question, `why`or `how could they`," McRitchie told INSIDER. Little work. … Here are 16 reasons why Image credit: Shutterstock – By Dmytro Zinkevych ... We never really know someone as much as we think we do. Here are eight reasons why people cheat on their partners: 1. We all flirt a little (don't touch and go home with the person you came with) because it's human nature to feel good about yourself, but cheating is unacceptable. Imbalance If there’s a lack of balance in a relationship, one partner can begin to feel a bit like a parent and the other like a child. Lots of sleep. Unsurprisingly, a fair number of cheaters say that they’ve fallen out of love with their partner. As humans, we all have a natural desire for self-gratification. You might love your man because he can keep things light in trying times and doesn’t always get bogged down in the minor inconvenience. We asked 11 people who have cheated what their reasons were, if it was worth it, and if they'd cheat … Why Do Good People Cheat? Still, lots of people do it. Here you can address these problems early on and avoid infidelity in your relationship. Whether it was a cry for help, an exit strategy, or a means to get revenge after being cheated on themselves, the cheater alone is responsible for cheating. Infidelity is a hot topic of conversation, but being faithful does have its merits. And what a beautiful thing: that we are given things to outgrow; obstacles to overcome. They complement your personality. Lastly, we explored how to find fulfillment in any relationship by approaching relationships as a spiritual and definition-less practice. When their personality brings out the best in you and vice versa, that bond is something you just can’t ignore. Furthermore, it’s highly likely that some other cause – lack of communication, boredom, non-attraction – may also be at play. Almost half of those in committed relationships cheat. Before we begin, this is an article about men cheating. She closes with a warning about the potential disaster inherent in antidepressant abuse. Blogs and Facebook groups with followers in the hundreds of thousands exist to condemn the cheating man . We will take a look at a number of risk factors and causes for cheating, but it's important to point out upfront that a partner doesn't cause their spouse to cheat. It’s pretty much impossible to determine how many people cheat on their partners — data is scarce because people who are unfaithful tend not to be the most forthcoming — but it happens. They wrote from a range of perspectives, grappling with what constitutes cheating, why people cheat, how people cheat, and when cheating might be ethically acceptable. 4; As humans, we also all have a natural desire for intimacy and to feel loved by somebody else, to feel as though we are sharing our lives with somebody. This might help you understand why people cheat. When people tell me that they are cool with cheating, I ask myself this question: do they believe in the actions they are taking? In fact, according to social scientists, the rate of infidelity has risen steadily over the past decade. Happy people will cheat to try new things, but it doesn’t mean that they want to get rid of their current relationship. If your love language is different to your partners, that can leave you feeling unloved – and potentially more open to the affections of someone who seems to understand you better. So, if someone loves you they shouldn't cheat. We asked these youth informants to connect their own insights and ideas about cheating with the ideas described in "Ethical Collaboration." Lastly, we explored how to find fulfillment in any relationship by approaching relationships as a spiritual and definition-less practice. It’s also interesting to note that, strangely, cheating is a behavior that can make it hard to be a good father and husband, but also a behavior that isn’t actually correlated with familial love … You are not a believer. And then you just focus on this person. “Love consists of overestimating the differences between one woman and another.” And indeed, that’s what we do. Good food. We may not be surprised to hear … Women’s infidelity is a totally different story. Top 5 Reasons Why Do We Cheat on Someone We Love? Source: A study from Binghamton University, State University of New York. Falling in love with someone … 5 To Cheat or not to Cheat? While the statement “I just fell out of love” may seem straightforward, it may also be used as an excuse. We know that people cheat on their partners in all sorts of ways, from innocent flirtations to long-term affairs. I mean, I understand why they want to cheat, but I don't understand why they actually follow through. Men cheat because they think they can get away with it and, perhaps more importantly, because they’re willing to let themselves get away with it. The motivation is one of pleasure followed by reward, which is where the dopamine release comes into play. You can list what you don’t like about them, but then you sweep that aside and focus on what you do. That’s the takeaway of three decades’ worth of aggression research, distilled and published in a new review in the journal Current Directions in Psychological Science . We’ve looked at theories of cheating based on our animal origins, as well as modern theories stating we cheat because we are filling voids of self-abandonment. And yes, once a cheater, always a cheater. Why Her?andWhy We Love, says men are more likely to cite sexual motivations for infidelity and are less likely to fall in love with an extramarital partner. Yes, women cheat, however the brunt of … ... Why do people cheat? The reasons vary from person-to-person, but they're all about a need the person is trying to get met.

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